The victory at Saratoga marked an important turning point in the Revolutionary War.
The victory by the Americans at Saratoga marked a turning point in the war, as it showed Britain that the Americans were a formidable enemy. British general John Burgoyne, leader of the invasion in New England, was forced to surrender with his men outnumbered 3 to 1 and surrounded by the American troops. The date of his surrender, October 18, 1777, was so important that it was declared a national holiday by Congress.
The missionaries Cyril and methodius are credited with...
Answer: The missionaries Cyril and methodius are credited with being the apostles of the Slavic people and also of preaching christianity in the native language. Both of them were greek missionaries.
I hope it helps, Regards.
"provide for the common defence” would be the phrase that was included in the Preamble to the Constitution to ensure a military that could protect our country. Although we take it for granted today, it was not ensured for some time that there would be a military.
It had no executive branch to enforce the laws of the land, congress has no power to tax individual states, and each state printed its own currency.
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and his associates staged the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich from November 8 to 9, 1923, a failed takeover of the government of Bavaria, a state in southern Germany.