The policies of Chairman Mao Zedong were like a mountain range—full of high points as well as dangerous low points.
There is no denying that Mao's policies shaped a nation and formed the foundation of modern-day China. However, the number of lives, dreams, and aspirations that were lost as he brought his will down upon the people can never be recovered. The Great Leap Forward, the Cult of Mao, the Cultural Revolution, the Hundred Flowers policies, as well as his standpoint on women's rights, are all important aspects of China under Mao. Modern China cannot be understood without studying this period of history.
D. He gained control of Kiev.
After Rurik died, his relative Oleg of Novgorod, also known as Oleg Veshchy gained control of Kiev. The Kievan Rus was captured by Oleg and renamed Keiv. Oleg was able to seize power in Kiev from Askold in 882 and moved the capital from Novgorod to Kiev.
Engraved coins as well as pillars during those time are the Gupta achievements in the arts.
Gupta age is referred to as the India's golden age.During this period many inventions as well as discoveries took place in various field such as technology, science, astronomy, mathematics,art , logic, religion, literature as well as philosophy.
During Gupta period people came to know regarding classical arts. Pillars as well as coins were engraved during that period. The expansion of artistic culture took place during the reign of Chandragupta 2.