Santa Anna was Mexico's commander
Just over 500,00
This number is considerably high considering that the national average for number of inmates, parolees, and individuals on community supervision are around 4.5 Million people. So from 50 states, Texas held around 9-10% of the offenders.
The numbers above represents not only the convicts who are thrown in jail. Those who are under house arrest (with ankle monitor) and those who are forced to do community service as a form of punishment are also included.
The characteristics that pulled the Greek city states together were the poetry of Homer and the food growth and preparation.
Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was a 9th-century Muslim mathematician and astronomer. He is known as the "father of algebra",
The Rhineland had to be demilitarized, and worst of all, Germany was required to pay a $40 billion reparations bill to the Allies for starting the war. This bill wrecked the German economy in the 1920's and led to the economic and political conditions that created Adolf Hitler.