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An aphorism is a saying which contains some general truth - usually, it is very clever and witty, and sometimes even humorous. If you take this explanation into consideration, you will realize the correct answer here is Too many cooks spoil the broth.
It means that if there are too many people working on something, it is doomed to fail.
Grandfather swept the garden.
Answer: C
Explanation: A claim is used to make a point to support an argument which isn’t needed in a summary. A title and author is needed in the summary to state which book or article you are summarizing about, you need supporting details to make sense of the summary, you need to write the summary the way the story was told or it won’t make any sense.
Answer: At some point in everyone's life we’ve been pure pressured to do something. Whether we like it or not we will have to make a decision when the opportunity presents itself. We have to choose between right and wrong. Peer pressure in teens is particularly interesting because teens make decisions with a brain that isn’t fully developed. Unlike an adult’s brain, a teens brain has many changes to undergo some of which shape the way how teens problem solve, interact, and understand the environment around them. During these critical stages of a young adults life it is extremely important that they are able to interact and experiment with the world around them. It is important to point out that a teen should experiment in a safe and positive environment. Peer pressure can be a good and bad thing depending on what an individual is being pressured to do. For example, if a teen is being pressured by five of his or her friends to walk a 6k fun run assuming the individual is in good health and a good state of mind this wouldn’t really be considered peer pressure it would be considered more along the lines as motivation. On the other hand, if a teen is pressured to steal an item from a store then that’s when it crosses the line. Peer pressure in most cases is not a good thing and you should always be aware of the consequences of your actions. There are many ways to cope with this pressure the best advice I can give you is the listen and decide the situation. Listen to what is being asked of you to do. Then, the question is this something I am capable of doing or should I do it. Lastly, decide based off of the information you have gathered should you or should you not do it. What are some consequences of my actions.