Harriet Tubman was born in 1821 into a family of enslaved African Americans on a plantation in Dorchester County, Maryland, owned by Edward Brodas. Her birth name was Araminta and was known by minty, till she changed her name as an early teen to Harriet, after her mother. many of her 11 siblings were sold and taken to the deep south.
At age 5, Tubman was "rented" to neighbors to do housework. She was not great at household chores and was often beaten and abused by her slaveholders and "renters'' due to her skill. Like other African Americans, As a child she was never taught to read or write and never had a broad span of education in general. Eventually she was put to work as a field hand, which she preferred over the housework. At age 15, she suffered a head injury when she blocked the path of the overseer pursuing an uncooperative enslaved person. The overseer flung a weight at the other enslaved people, hitting Tubman, who probably sustained a severe concussion. She was ill for a long time and never fully recovered.
In 1844 or 1845, Tubman married John Tubman, a free Black man. Shortly after her marriage, she hired a lawyer to investigate her legal history and discovered that her mother had been freed on a technicality upon the death of a former enslaver The lawyer advised her that a court wouldn't likely hear the case, so she dropped it. But knowing that she should have been born free led her to contemplate freedom and resent her situation.
In 1849, Tubman heard that two of her brothers were about to be sold to the Deep South, and her husband threatened to sell her, too. She tried to persuade her brothers to escape with her but left alone, making her way to Philadelphia and freedom. The next year, Tubman decided to return to Maryland to free her sister and her sister's family. Over the next 12 years, she returned 18 or 19 times, bringing more than 300 people out of enslavement.
Writing Workshop: Evaluating Research Questions and Sources in History
I believe the correct answer is A
Claudius: Poisoned by his wife Agrippina in 54.
Galba: Murdered in plot orchestrated by Otho in 69.
Vitellius: Murdered in 69
Byzantine Empire
- The Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire) was the only country on this side of the Chinese Wall that lasted from late antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages.
- It went through the ups and downs and was one of the most significant civilizations in human history. It exerted a great cultural influence on a whole range of medieval states and peoples.
- Unlike the Western Roman Empire, which was overthrown by barbarians in 476 AD, the Eastern Roman Empire continued to live for another thousand years.
- Thanks to the denser population, larger cities, and a stronger economy, it has more easily withstood the economic crisis of the 3rd century, one of the greatest crises known in world history.
- Byzantine Empire rested on three foundations, namely: Roman state system, Greek culture and Christianity. Without any of these three elements it cannot be imagined, and it is only through their permeation that a Byzantine civilization is created. Byzantium, which for centuries was the guardian and restorer of ancient heritage, has no historical successor.
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All of the above
Creon feels he must punish Antigone because, by defying his authority and trying to bury her brother, Antigone has become a threat to his rule.This shows that their relationship is not like family, but more like Antigone is just one of Creon's citizens.