Really your "stuck", haven't read much on the McCarthy era.
the first answer B. Although they also could have been put to death, In Salem, on being found a witch, during McCarthy Era for Treason.,
well since they deleted my answer, you're on your own kid. Goggle it, you will find the answer right away.
A symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn
take a pill for the thrill, have a relapse
A good or bad propaganda can be defined by what it aims at achieving and the methods used to achieve this.
Propaganda are usually carried out with the aim of influencing people's feelings and their actions. It can have good effects and bad effects.
A good propaganda is used to influence attitude and actions positively. Like in a scenario where the media is used to warn about the dangers of a new disease. A good propaganda appeals to the people logically as well as emotionally.
A bad propaganda is one that achieves it's purpose by driving conflict and controversy deliberately. It is used to bring change deceitfully in a democratic setting.