It still operates today as a fundamental of US foreign policy in Central and South America.
A) The Bhagavad Gita
The<em> Bhagavad Gita</em> (the "Song of God") is set up as a dialogue between prince Arjuna, son of King Pandu, and Lord Krishna, who served as Arjuna's guide and chariot driver. The poetic scriptures focus extensively on the Hindu concept of <em>dharma</em>, which is a hard word to translate into English without using multiple words. But "duty" is a key ingredient in the overall emphases of <em>dharma.</em> <em> Dharma </em>points to behaviors that are in accordance with law and virtue, and pays respect for principles that promote a good and right way of life.
A settlement after the battle canceled the Treaty of Wichale and acknowledged the full sovereignty and independence of Ethiopia, but the Italians were allowed to retain Eritrea. After Adwa, Menilek's Ethiopia was at once accepted by the European powers as a real political force.
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