In the House, bills are officially introduced by placing them in a special box known as the hopper, which is located at the rostrum, or Speaker's platform. In the Senate, a bill is introduced by placing it on the presiding officer's desk or by formally introducing it on the Senate Floor.
C) their city was founded by a male
Answer: It important because The Articles of Confederation served as the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain.
The Silk Road enormously promoted the culture exchanges between China and western countries. Also, it helped established the great influence of Chinese culture and Chinese history in the world, especially the Han Dynasty culture. Tourism significance of Silk Road Silk Road likes a bet to link many mysterious cultures together.
Dezvoltarea<span> industrială a SUA a debutat la mijlocul secolului al XIX-lea prin aplicarea ... Descoperirile din domeniul științific au impulsionat apariția unor </span>tehnici și<span> ... a avut ca efect creșterea producției, </span>dezvoltarea<span> orașelor </span>și<span> a </span><span>științei</span>