With the exception of Austria-Hungary, new imperialism was entrenched in the policies of all the European powers. This frenzy to acquire colonies was due to the potential financial and psychological benefits that colonies provide. Financially speaking, the colonies can help European nation’s name economy by firstly providing the raw materials necessary for industrialization which were lacking in continental Europe. Secondly, after using the raw materials to produce the merchandise, the colonies provided a market where the European nations can sell their manufactured goods. Hence, new colonies can begin an exploitive cycle where the European nations take resources from their colonial subjects then profits exportation of completed goods
In Brown vs Board of Education the Supreme Court that segregation in schools was NOT constitutional. This is important because it marked the end of the “separate but equal” idea that lasted for nearly a century.
<span>Historians would probably credit SCRIBES AND PRIESTS. The reason why is that scribes manually wrote every single book there was - they had to rewrite thousands of pages from manuscripts, and they were the original 'printing machines.' On the other hand, priests saved all those books in churches and libraries, which is why we still have records of ancient times.</span>