It was the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11th that caused the establishment of the United States department of homeland security, whose main objective is protect the US from terrorist attacks.
The Spanish navy blockaded the Hawaiian Islands.
A Spanish agent tried to blow up the U.S. Capitol building.
I'm not quite sure what the question is, that is more of a statement but if it is true or false then the answer would be true. Even though the populist party never really gained a presidential nominee their ideas were adopted by many larger, more influential parties. Especially the progressives.
C. Eastern Orthodox Church
Explanation: I study History lolol.
The Hoplite was the main melee warrior of the Macedonian army, and consisted of using a dory, and a xiphos for backup. They typically formed phalanx as standard battle formations, and was rose to power during the reign of Alexander the Great, following the death of his father Phillip II.