They changed things up because its mixed or from up further in the family line. like your parents could have green eyes and you could get blue. it shoukd of came from your grandparents or other blood related relatives.
Only Water, Oxygen, Nitrogen and ammonia
Option D, a research paper published in an academic journal and an approved PhD dissertation
Nicholas must present her discovery with back up of strong literature review. This literature review must include papers published in good journals and only approved research dissertation.
An internet blog, news article and college level textbook are not considered as an approved study. These are not reviewed or approved by any peer group or associations.
Good papers of any good journals are reviewed and examined thoroughly by the peers and thus they can be used as a backup of any study.
Hence, option D is correct
"Prokaryote" is shown in the given image.
Answer: Option A
A prokaryote is a single-cell organism which is deficient in a membranous nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membranous organs. Prokaryotes are categorized into two domains: Bacteria and Archaea. At the third domain: Eukaryota, species with nuclei and organelles are located.
The asexual prokaryotes reproduce without fusion of gametes. They are considered as first living organisms. In the prokaryotes components like proteins, DNA and metabolites, overall the intra-cellular water-soluble components are enclosed by the cell membrane as situated together in the cytoplasm, rather than in separate cellular compartments.