They would make cures
Some of the cures they tried included: Rubbing onions, herbs or a chopped up snake (if available) on the boils or cutting up a pigeon and rubbing it over an infected body. Drinking vinegar, eating crushed minerals, arsenic, mercury or even ten-year-old treacle!
Answer:1 is C
4 is land use and social class
6 is C
7 is B
8 is a
the correct answer es e
the use of local elites to help rule the native peple was typical of the the British and French to control parts of their colonial empires.These areas of lands were called protectorates and their administration was in the hands of the traditional chiefs who gained prestige. However, they lost control of taxation and external affairs, for example. This system included a small group of European advisors who oversaw a large number of indigenous people.
Urbanization Process.
- Adoption of a common language to people.
- Invention of a writing system.
- Development of a time measurement system.
- Development of a political and social system.
- Construction of a defense system.
- Not all of the earlies civilizations formed centralized kingdoms, like the ancient Sumeria or Greece.
- Not all of them developed the same technological progress.
- Not all based their belief system on the worship of natural elements.
It can be said that the process that allowed the appearance of early civilizations was after the passage from a nomadic way of life to a sedentary way of life. Many nomadic peoples settled in a place after the so-called agricultural revolution.
Agriculture and Livestock allowed the obtaining of food through land work and the domestication of animals. This abundance of food was the reason behind the increase in the number of people.
The need to protect and manage food led people to gather, giving rise to the first cities.
Success in your homework!
As Eric Hobsbawm explained in <em>The Age of Extremes</em>, World War I happened when the European Empires were crumbling and falling into pieces. Liberal theorists opposed to war as a means of Empires to gain power over others. The economic costs clearly disfavored war but there were also the ethical and moral aspects that gained momentum prior to WW I. These aspects materialised again in the 70s (Vietnam war) when more people started to protest against the human costs of war.