I'm not i completely understand you question, mind filing me in more I'd be willing to help
Latin prefix mal- is a word forming element meaning "bad, badly, I'll poorly, wring, or wrongly"
In aceasta balada este vorba despre zece mesteri,unul dintre ei fiind Manole care voia sa ridice-o manastire.Manastirea nu se putea ridica,asa ca intr-un vis,acestuia i se arata ca pan' nu va jertfi prima femeie ce avea sa vina pe acolo pana atunci nu vor izbuti asa ca se arata ziua urmatoare chiar nevastea mesterului Manole care plangand isi zidi sotioara si apoi de suparare cazu de pe schele intr-un rau alcatuit din lacrimile sale.
The above poem refers to a basketball player who, during the game, is reflecting on whether or not to steal a base. The tension of the game and the reflection makes the player tense, anxious and apprehensive. These sensations, as well as the scenario in which the poem is established, are made with the use of figurative language that is established with the use of similes, where the poet compares the player's situation with other elements. The use of figurative language through similes can be seen in the lines:
"Both ways taut like a tightrope-walker,
"Now bouncing tiptoe like a dropped ball
"Taunts them, hovers like an ecstatic bird,
Figurative language aims to use words that have one meaning, to express another meaning. This expression is made subjectively and not literally. In the lines above, figurative language is used to show how tense, agile and attentive the player was.