World War One, World War Two, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. ... focuses on the comparison of events that led to a similar situation in WWI and WWII that ... of Europe declared war against each other.
incoln's re-election ensured that he would preside over the successful conclusion of the Civil War. Lincoln's victory made him the first president to win re-election since Andrew Jackson in 1832, as well as the first Northern president to ever win re-election.
Search for new land and resources
the first Americans were nomadic, meaning they often moved from place to place, and never stayed in a permanent location. Because they were hunters and gatherers, when there were no more resources in the location they were staying, they would move and travel elsewhere. Ultimately, this led them to America, a continent that was not yet discovered or explored.
The Roman Republic was certainly a thriving democracy by the standards of its time, but it should be noted that women, slaves, and many men were not allowed to vote.
The answer to this question is false