First you would convert it to a fraction. 9/100
Once you do that you divide the numerator, which is 9 by the denominator, which is 100.
Then we get our answer, 0.09
Slope and y intercept.
Step-by-step explanation:
This is necassary to write the equation of a line in y=mx+b
m is where the slope goes, and b is the y intercept.
Alternatively, you could also write the equation for a line with a point on the line and the slope.
You would then write it in point slope formula:
This can later be converted into slope intercept form.
The volume of the community swimming pool is 4 times greaters than the volume of the wading pool.
Step-by-step explanation:
By definition of rectangular prism, we get the respective formulas for the volumes of the community swimming pool and the wadling pool, respectively:
Community swimming pool
Wading pool
l – Length of the swimming pool, measured in feet.
h – Depth of the swimming pool, measured in feet.
w – Width of the swimming pool, measured in feet.
– Volume of the community swimming pool, measured in cubic feet.
– Volume of the wading swimming pool, measured in cubic feet.
The ratio of the volume of the community swimming pool to the volume of the wadling pool is:
The volume of the community swimming pool is 4 times greaters than the volume of the wading pool.