The mountainous terrain made city-states become independent from one another.Basically meaning that different city-states did not have any interactions with each other. If so, very little.
Prohibiting the export of arms, ammunition, and implements of war, from the United States to foreign nations at war
The 3 most numerous ethnicities are Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans of major U.S. ethnicities among states and within urban areas. Hispanics are clustered in the Southwest, African Americans in the Southeast and Asian Americans in the West.
One group Sifton believed to be the ideal immigrant was the American farmer. He thought that they made for excellent settlers as they would already be equipped to deal with North American conditions. Additionally, although Sifton departed from this tradition slightly, British immigrants were still highly valued. Besides that, Sifton saw Central and Eastern European agriculturists as prime candidates for Canadian immigration. He thought that these people, although not traditionally valued, were the ideal settlers for the Prairies especially as they were already familiar with agriculture, rural lifestyle, and harsh climates.
Market economies are the most efficient economic systems
this is because they have little government intervention, allowing private ownership to determine all buisness decisions based on market factors.