Penelope is the wife of the main character, the king of Ithaca, Odysseus (Ulysses in Roman mythology), and daughter of Icarius of Sparta and his wife Periboea. She only has one son by Odysseus, Telemachus, who was born just before Odysseus was called to fight in the Trojan War.
you will fill up with a lot of gas it would be a lot of gas to lift it
hopefully that help I'm sorry if it does not help
The best annotation of the given text <em>"Nationalism to Independence, </em>Pan Africanism. " is:
- There is a need for the Africans who are natives to come together and unite to push a common cause. This movement of Pan Africanism was popular and began in the 20th century and seeks to bring together descendants of African slaves.
<h3>What is Annotation?</h3>
This refers to the extra note which is included in a document which gives an explanation or makes a comment regarding the contents of the document.
With this in mind, we can see that to make a proper annotation, a summary would have to be made of the particular text and then there would have to be comments made which gives an extra information.
Read more about annotation here: