his sexuality
he brought up he was gay in their first conversation which leads you to believe he thought of it as important
This is such a pretty poem and I love it. I think where it says: That he leaves you so so stunned Do you try to get closer but end up getting burned
you should make that 2 lines, cut it off after the word stunned.
I also think that on the last line you should say in the night instead of and the night. Overall though this poems is amazing!
1. Exercise develops physical fitness.
2. Range of motion is how far any body part can move in any direction.
3. Muscle myofibrils are made of both thick and thin filaments. These filaments are the used in muscle contractions. The thick filaments and thin filaments slide along each other during a muscle contraction.
4. Lactic acid is removed from muscles when there is an increased amount of blood flow (usually during exercise).
5. Posture is the way a person holds their body when sitting or standing.
6. Varicose veins occur when the veins are weakened and become twisted over time. Normal veins will flow in one direction and there is no back flow because of the valves. When veins are weakened and the valves don’t work properly, the blood can collect in your legs.
7. Antagonistic muscles pair with agonist muscles (best example is the bicep-tricep pair). This means that as one muscle contracts, the other will relax.
f. Root words,a. other names, d. origins