n The Portrait of a Lady, Khushwant Singh describes his grandfather from the latter’s portrait that hung above the mantelpiece in the drawing room. His grandfather is seen wearing a big turban and loose-fitting clothes in the portrait. His long, white beard covered the best part of his chest and he looked at least a hundred years old.
My motorbike from has been stolen the Tesco. It was about 3 pm in the noon. I locked my motorbike outside the shop.
After about twenty minutes when I came out of the shop, I was shocked and devastated to find that my motorbike was missing. I made enquiries from the nearby shopkeepers but to no avail.
The motor bike was of (mention your bike)
I request you to trace the motorbike at the earliest.
A. characters is the answer to your question
He suspects that the child (and his wife) are not white
later in the text you see Desiree trying to prove that she is white. Also i just took this commonlit.