According to your text, moral hypocrisy is the term Batson and his colleagues (2002) used to describe the tendency to appear moral while avoiding the costs of being so.
The Moral Hypocrisy phenomenon suggests that moral people are often the same people who fail to act morally. While people can see the morally right path, it doesn't guarantee that "moral people" will go to such path.
This could happen during times especially hard for the nation, such as after the WWII, and when no other alternatives were really available.
For example, when Eisenhower was asked to be the president, the current president, Truman, was very unpopular. Truman was a Democrat, and the democrats did now believe he could win re-election, and as Eisenhower was very popular at the time they tried to win him over to their side. In the end however, Eisenhower run as a democrat.
Socrates and Meno both describe that at least virtue is the part of wisdom but we can not say that a most virtuous person is most beneficent only out of knowledge. This is the last point where Socrates and Meno failed to find virtue itself in considering such a virtuous person. This suggests puzzles Meno but Socrates explains that they have been looking for that virtue as a kind of teachable knowledge. The good deeds of virtuous men could equally be the result of not of the knowledge but the opinion.
Even Socrates gives the example of the guide on the road to the Larissa whether the guide has the knowledge and the true opinion about the way that results in the same
The answer is foolish , lost , ignorant.