Today I will live my memory, tomorrow more memories will come. As time passes, memories aren't easy to remember, it doesn't take space, and it's only in one place, which is the pass. Memory is what we saw, but not see anymore.</em>
Dear Dave,
Hi! How are you? School has been chaotic this December. Everyone is nervous for their semester exams, including me. The Christmas break keeps me in a good mood, though. I'm so excited! One more week! I've been looking forward to Christmas for a really long time. What do you think you’re going to get? I think I might be getting a record player and some records. I can’t wait to play my records while dancing about my room. Ugh, I love music!! We should meet up sometime soon. I need to give you your Christmas present! I think you will love it! How about Thursday? We could go for coffee. You know my addiction will never subside! We need to figure out all of the final details for our Christmas European trip!! It sucks that we can’t go this year, but next year will for sure go and we’ll have so much fun. The German christmas markets are going to be so beautiful. Anyways, I've got to go to school. Yes, I know. How very exciting. Talk to you later!
Idk why dave just the first name I thought of haha
183 words
Hope this helps :)
- Driving under influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances.
As per the laws, 'driving under influence of any intoxicating product like alcohol or drugs also known as drunken-driving' is considered as an offence. To ensure the enforcement of this law effectively the state has specified certain penalties and punishments for the offenders like six months imprisonment or suspension of license for a substantial time period. Thus, if someone's found guilty of 'drunken driving or driving under influence'(of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances), his/her license has valid chances of being revoked for a stipulated period of time as a punishment.