Information about the parts of a cell, its location and role will help describe the appearance of a cell's content.
Organelles are cell structures that include the nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane among others. One can view these using a light microscope.
1. Cell Membrane is a fluid mosaic. It is the outer boundary of the cell.
2.Cytoplasm is the fluid inside the cell. It is located between the nucleus and the cell membrane.
3.Nucleus is the control center of the cell and is located at the center.
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Something like this?
h1 = int(input())
m1 = int(input())
s1 = int(input())
h2 = int(input())
m2 = int(input())
s2 = int(input())
s = h2*3600 + m2*60 + s2 - (h1*3600 + m1*60 + s1)