Trimester 1- Flesh and tissue coming together. Trimester 2- Lungs and heart forming. Trimester 3- The baby gains weight. A misscarrage is when the baby doesnt attach to the uterine wall before it can survive on its own. A stillbirth is the death of a viable baby in the womb or as its being birthed. Gestational diabetes and placenta accreta can both happen during pregnancy.
<span>ALSO ON HUFFPOST:Unexpected Side Benefits Of Exercise</span>Suggest a correction<span>Sarah Klein </span>Senior Editor, Health & Fitness; Certified Personal TrainerMORE:Huffmag Your Body On Exercise Best Of Huffpost Exercise Physiology Body On ExerciseCONVERSATIONS
I think it's B, because recycling reduces mining and drilling, both of which cause air and water pollution. Hope this made sense lol it's the closest one to the the true answer