Answer: He was determined to travel not only for his own religious fulfillment but also for recruiting teachers and leaders so that his realms could learn more of the Prophet's teachings. Musa was a devout Muslim, and his pilgrimage to Mecca made him well known across northern Africa and the Middle East.
Muy arriba en la cordillera, un jovenquechua cotidianamentecultivaba la tierra y mientrasdescansabade sus labores tocaba la flauta que siempre llevabaconsigo, llenando el aire demelodías suavesy dulces. Sin embargo, él no sentíapena ninguna por los sentimientospropios de su juventud, así como tampoco tenía placeres en tenerlos.Le sucedióun día que cuando más absortoestaba tocando la flauta, llegó hasta él unavirgen sacerdotisa del Sol y comenzó a preguntarle por sus cultivos.El labriego, al momento de verla, turbadohincó las rodillas en el suelo, maravilladode sugran hermosura. Entonces ella le pidió que no temiese y estuvieron mucho tiempoconversando.Las sacerdotisas del Sol podían pasearde día por la Tierra y ver sus verdes prados, pero nopodían faltarde noche en el templo del Sol. Ellas vivían en suntuosasmoradasycon aposentosricamente labrados. Eran muchas, traídas de cada una de las cuatroprovincias dependientes del Inca.Al atardecer, la muchacha se despidió del labriego y en el camino iba recordando su figura ytodo lo que habían hablado. Al llegar, luego de pasar frente a los guardias que cuidabaneltemplo, entró en su aposento y en él permaneció largo rato, sin encontrar sosiegopor elgran amor que había cobrado al joven quechua.
Pollutants is the general term.
Chemical pollutants. Waste pollutants. Chlorofluorocarbons
When they found the Americas they were interested because they found new land. The Europeans wanted to find the seven cities of gold and the fountain of youth. They also wanted to find new trading routes. One of the major reasons was to find spices that they crave for drying their meats.
The correct answer to number 1 is A) the start of the Cold War.
The start of the Cold War was a result of increased political, economic, and military tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. These tensions were caused by the difference in economic and political systems of the two countries, with the US disliking the system of communism used by the Soviet Union. This is when the fear of communism, aka the second Red Scare, really started to grow in the United States.
The correct answer to number 2 is C) government and security.
One of McCarthy's most famous speeches was given in West Virginia in the early 1950's in which he claimed, through his research, that he had found 207 members of the State Department were communism. This research was said to have been conducted during the 1940's.
The correct answer to number A) A wave of isolationist sentiment.
After both World Wars, Americans were focused on having their life return to normal since millions of men were now home and looking to start families.