1. the legislative branch of government (Congress) examines a proposed bill and can either reject or vote to make it into a law.
2: when Congress votes in favor of making a bill into law, the Executive branch of government ( the president) signs it into law. If the president does not approve of the bill, he/she can veto it, and send recommendations to Congress to amend the bill.
if Congress approves a bill 2/3 or more of both the house and Senate, it shall become a law, and the president cant veto it.
3: The judicial branch of government (the supreme Court) interprets laws and upholds the constitution. When disagreements occur between the legislative and executive branches of government, the judicial branch has the power to resolve the disagreement by interpreting the law in view of existing laws and the consitution.
4: the varying roles of the three branches of government prove a system of checks and balances so that no branch of government can abuse power or authority over the governed.
Hey join my meeting bring some more people too
Allies and aides I think those are good
Have a nice day . <3
Andrew Jackson's presidential campaign was full of controversy. His candidacy still resulted in him becoming the seventh President of the USA. The Coffin Handbills were a series of pamphlets attacking Andrew Jackson during the 1828 United States presidential election. Jackson was running against incumbent John Quincy Adams. The campaign was very dirty, with multiple attacks on the character and ... The accusations greatly angered Jackson, which he responded to by writing ...Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. Known as the "people's president," Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans. I hope this helped you in a way <3