def power(base, expo):
if expo == 0:
return 1
return base * power(base, expo-1)
*The code is in Python.
Create a method called power that takes base and expo as parameters
Check if the expo is equal to 0. If it is return 1 (This is our base case for the method, where it stops. This way our method will call itself "expo" times). If expo is not 0, return base * power(base, expo-1). (Call the method itself, decrease the expo by 1 in each call and multiply the base)
bool isPalindrome(string str)
int length = str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) {
if (str [i] != str [length – 1 – i]) {
return false;
cout << str << "is a palindrome";
return true;
I believer the answere is a formula hope this helped
There are two customers in the PostalCode.
SQL statement for select all the fields and the rows from the Customers table where PostalCode is 44000.
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE PostalCode = "44000";
The SELECT statement retrieve zero or more than one row from 1 or more than one the database tables or the database views.
In most of the applications, the SELECT query is most commonly used for DQL(Data Query Language) command.
SQL is the declarative programming language and the SELECT statement specifies the result set, but they do not specifies how to calculate it.