The answer is number 3.libary
float temperature = 98.6; //declaration and initialization of the variable
In the programming language, there are two types of data types for the decimal number that is float and double.
- Double data type is used when we require to print more than two decimal value and it also contains both integer type and decimal type value.
- Float data type is used when we required to print one or two decimal value, it only contains and print decimal value.
So, we have to print one decimal value, that's why we use float data type.
This IP address is assigned to the interface by the following device:
d. The local computer
- Ipconfig command is also known as Internet protocol configuration command. It is command line tool that is used to configure the IP of network connections. This command give us information about the information about IP and other parameters like default gateways.
- The IP address 169.254.X.X is such IP address that can have values from to 169.254.254.
- 169.254.X.X is a Automatic Private IP Address that tells that our computer is not connected with the internet because the computer is not getting IP address from server.