Throughout the rest of the 19th century, various treaties and alliances were formed, including the German-Austrian treaty (1879) or Dual Alliance; the addition of Italy to the Germany and Austrian alliance in 1882, forming the “Triple Alliance”; the Franco-Russian Alliance (1894)
Answer:It is North America and Asia
"excavating Earth’s surface to reach veins of clean coal" would be the best option because this is done fairly close to the top of the Earth's surface. It's a controversial and dangerous practice.
1400 Singapore's king Parameswara establishes the Malacca sultanate.
1511 The Portuguese capture Malacca City
1641 The Dutch capture Malacca City
1795 Malacca becomes part of British Malaya.
1963 Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Saba unify to form Malaysia
Its sum along those lines
they are monarchy and dictatorship