A expansão marítima só foi possível graças à centralização do poder nas mãos dos reis. Um comerciante rico, uma grande cidade ou mesmo uma associação de mercadores muito ricos não tinham condições de reunir o capital necessário para esse grande empreendimento. Apenas o rei era capaz de captar recursos de toda a nação para financiar as viagens ultramarinas.
<span>Eram enormes as dificuldades que tinham de ser superadas para navegar pelos oceanos. As embarcações tinham de ser melhoradas e as técnicas de navegação precisavam ser aprimoradas. No século XV, inventou-se a caravela. A bússola e o astrolábio passaram a ser empregados como instrumentos de orientação no mar, e a cartografia passou por grandes progressos. Ao mesmo tempo, a antiga concepção sobre a forma da Terra começou a ser posta em dúvida. </span>
<span>Seria a Terra realmente um disco chato e plano, cujos limites eram precipícios sem fim? Uma nova hipótese sobre a forma de nosso planeta começou a surgir: o planeta teria a forma de uma esfera. </span>
<span>Resumindo , a Europa estava em crise econômica por muitos motivos um deles o fim do feudalismo, </span>
<span>então expandir os mercados , descobrindo assim "novas" terras, e novas rotas.</span>
stop saddam Hussein’s aggressions against Kuwait . D.
The statement is false.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a U.S. federal law designed to ensure the equal participation of minorities, especially African Americans, in US elections.
Specifically, it abolished discriminatory illiteracy tests for potential voters, banned Gerrymandering if it discriminated against minorities, centralized federal voter registration in areas where less than 50% of the population were registered voters, and gave the U.S. Department of Justice various control over the Electoral law in areas where African Americans make up more than five percent of the population.
The debates surrounding the Voting Rights Act coincide with the culmination of the civil rights movement and the Selma-to-Montgomery marches. Martin Luther King, the then leading African-American civil rights activist, already called for such a law at a meeting with President Lyndon B. Johnson in December 1964. The president was positive about the project, but King said that such a law could not be implemented politically so shortly after the Civil Rights Act to end segregation. Johnson, who was recently re-elected with an overwhelming majority, initially wanted to focus on other areas such as poverty reduction and health care in his Great Society social reform reform project. After the events in Selma, however, he changed his attitude and assured King that he wanted to enforce the electoral law as soon as possible.
The House of Representatives passed the law on August 3, 1965 and the Senate on August 4. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed it on August 6 at a ceremony at the Capitol, which was attended by numerous African-American civil rights activists such as Martin Luther King.
It ended with the destruction of the Abbasid caliphate when hugelu khan sacked Baghdad in 1258
Mother Teresa's marital status was single. This is because she was a sister (nun) and nun's are not allowed to get married, as they are essentially supposed to devote their lives to the church. Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic religious sister and missionary who spent most of her life in India where she ran a number of charitable institutions.