No. You will not have to pay unless it asks you to for some reason. Try contacting them if it does. But im sure it most likely wont!
Answer down below.
Camera Movement:
1. Panning photography freezes objects in motion in a still frame
2. Tilting is a cinematographic technique in which the camera stays in a fixed position but rotates up/down in a vertical plane.
3. to make your subject larger in the frame, without actually moving forward yourself
4. a shot that follows alongside a subject throughout a scene, keeping them in the frame.
5. a shot taken by a camera on a moving crane
1. The amount, size, color, and harshness of light surrounding a character can be adjusted to match their emotions.
2. High-key lighting results in brightly lit subjects with more fill light and softer shadows
3. Low-key lighting is a lighting effect that uses a hard light source to enhance shadows in your scene
sorry don't know 4th
this is the best I can do.
Wouldst thou have that/ Which thou esteem'st the ornament of life,/ and live a coward in thine own esteem {Apex Answer}
Answer: Technical Writing
Technical writing is used to communicate specific information about a particular subject, craft or occupation. It differs in purpose from other writing forms is so far as it is a writing about a particular subject that requires direction, instruction and explanation.