The works they collected were culturally popular.
most of the works they had depicted revolutions and the history of cities, most of which supported new artists.
Texture can be the line quality of a design. With texture, lines and surfaces can be described as smooth and rough.
Texture is very important in the perception of surface quality which creates sensations and experiences. Physical Texture is the texture you can actually feel with your hand, while visual Texture is the illusion of physical texture, created with the materials used in the art piece.
Please go to the emergency room if your being serious
There’s a wide variety of instruments in the world and i think people tend to reflect their personality in their instrument
it has not entierly been done away with in the Modern Age And they are still often used in certain styles of photography, But is often condemned for the lack of detail in the background, as well as lack of color.
It Can be argued we do not often use the technique anymore in modern art, due to factors like lack of color As well as the fact that oil paint was the traditionally used medium for this, which is now not the most popular medium in modern-day art. But it can still be seen in some of the Styles we use nowadays, Although it is An artistic choice, not a must in any way. We see it especially in photography as the lighting is intentionally changed at times And the color is even bleached from photos to achieve an effect that focuses on the main focal point of the photo. although The more pure use of the style is often condemned because of lack of detail in the background.