Payday loans are akin to loan sharks. They are a cash type of subprime loans.
High interest rates for a demographic that generally pays high interest because of credit ratings, lack of job security, i.e. longevity, and lack of savings. They serve the purpose of getting short term cash loans.
Generally speaking, the "rule of law" refers to the constitution or implied constitution of a state or country that determines how all laws are made and enacted--something that no law of government action can go against.
The answer is going to be c
The House must undergo reappointment
The correct answer should be Advances in Technology and Industrial revolution
Mexican-American war happened in the 40s so that's before 1860, while a war with Spain occurred in 1898 which is after the mentioned period. They did advance in technology exactly due to the industrial revolution. An agrarian revolution. An agricultural revolution didn't happen in the US because of the Long depression that slowed it all down.