a transform fault boundary is formed.
its A and D
Topographic maps and satellite images
A topographic map represents earth's surface features like land forms and structures, rivers and lakes, mountains and hills, elevations and other natural features along with man-made artificial features like cities, buildings, monuments, roads, bridges etc. These are formed by contour lines.
Topographic maps are printed with revision dates to observe the changes happening on the Earth's surface. Various land forms keeps changing due to natural and man-made causes and these needs to be updated accordingly to provide accurate details.
A satellite image provides details of the earth aerially from space. These provides details of a land form or any earth structure currently.
By comparing with older satellite images or topographic maps with the current one, the changes which occurred over time can be observed.
Eutrophication results in the death of trout and other fish as a result of asphyxiation from the lack of oxygen. Eutrophication involves the enrichment of water by nutrients salts such as phosphates, nitrates among others, that causes structural changes of the aquatic ecosystem such as; increased production of algae and aquatic plants, depletion of fish species, deterioration of water quality and other effects that impact negatively the aquatic ecosystem.
The answer is eggs
it produces eggs