The Democratic-Republican Party, better known at the time under various other names,[a] was an American political party founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the early 1790s that championed republicanism, political equality, and expansionism. The party became increasingly dominant after the 1800 elections as the opposing Federalist Party collapsed. The Democratic-Republicans later splintered during the 1824 presidential election. One faction of the Democratic-Republicans eventually coalesced into the modern Democratic Party, while the other faction ultimately formed the core of the Whig Party.
It pointed to a hominids ability to walk upright.D
Donald C. Johanson is a known Paleoanthropologist that made remarkable discoveries that shook up our family tree. In 1974, he discovered a skeleton of a woman in Ethiopia and it was said that the skeleton has been around as fossil since 3.2 million years.
The female remains was later named Lucy and she showed us that upright walking and bipedalism gave way to all other changes we consider to be human, which also includes tool-making.
Cottage Industry
Cottage industry are industries that are based inside people's home. For these reason, they are more like artisanship than mechanized, large-scale industry.
Some examples of cottage industry are: carpentry, weaving, pottery making, stone carving, and so.
Because they are home-based, cottage industries tend to employ more traditional techniques.
They want you to know what the narrator means