You can use the song "Queendom" from Aurora.
This is a very poetic song and full of meanings, metaphors, rhymes and figurative language that will greatly enrich your reading plan.
Basically, the song talks about creating an ideal world, where the most disadvantaged people (in the world we live in) have the strength required to obtain privileged places in this new world. In addition, the music has a strong symbolism about equality, preservation of the environment, among other very important points so that it is possible that we live in harmony.
It means, for example if I say, "I go to the park every now and then", then it isn't a common event, but happens often enough not to be classified as a rarity.
What makes our heart moving? What else could it be except arts including literature? In a technology-driven world today, it is often thought that scientific subjects will be more important than arts subjects, but what makes us different from robots and machines? It is that we have feeling and emotion, and literature nurtures these mental values for us. The ultimate goal of education is not only offering us academic knowledge but also teaching us about mental responsibilities such as respect for older generation, so that students can become well-rounded citizens. If world literature is cut from school curriculum, it will be a great loss because good mental values from all around the globe will not be passed through young generation anymore.
Where is the text located?
Just message for any help you need!!
He is very kind and helpful- with a likeable personality and is very charismatic.
He is also skilled and clever with manipulating others with his words.
This is as much as I can answer as I haven't read much yet.