At the end of what novel?
B. Happy to have his friend back working with him
The Old man Santiago was happy to have Manolin back because he considers him a friend. He believes so much in Manolin. Santiago was rejected and talked down by his co-fishermen. The return of Manolin marked the Resurrection of hope for Santiago, and he was able to share his past experiences with him.
Manolin was a great companion to Santiago. Even though Manolin's parents were not in support of him fishing with Santiago, Manolin returned to help him out.
They grow closer.
In her diary "The Diary Of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank, she writes about her experiences in the hiding.
The Frank family went into hiding in July 1942. Otto Frank, father of Anne, build a<u> "secret annex" </u>for his family to hide from the cruelty of Nazi German.
There were a total of eight people in hiding. The Frank Family (Otto Frank, Edith Frank, Margot Frank, Anne Frank), the Van Pels (Herman Van Pels, Auguste Van Pels, Peter Van Pels), and Fritz Pfeffer.
In the beginning, the families had issued but later this confinement brought them closer to each other as they share happy and sad moments. Because they were the only ones for each other in the <u>"Secret Annex". </u>