my favorite color is green
Western music: Ars Nova. When the influential treatise Ars Nova (“New Art”) by the composer Philippe de Vitry appeared early in the 14th... These innovations, which were anticipated to a degree in the music of Pierre de la Croix (flourished last half of 13th century), are marked by the emancipation of music from the rhythmic modes (dominated by triple metre) of the preceding age and by the increased use of smaller note values.
<em>Your personal life core values</em> <em>are what encompass your foundational beliefs, which then dictate your behavior and guide you to make the decisions that you do.</em>
- You discover what your values are through life experiences and during the process of building self-awareness.
- Also you can see how your life begins and how it ends
Q1. What period does Japanese music date back too?
A1. Nara (710 to 794) and Heian (794 to 1185) periods
Q2. Why is music important in Japan?
A2. Songs are mainly related to spiritual rituals and daily work.
Q3. The piano was considered a prestigious instrument in the mid-20th century in Japan? True or False?
A3. True
Q4. The order in which the instruments enter is always the same in named compositions such as Etenraku.
A4. True
Q5. Syakuhati masters take seriously humankind’s connection with nature, using the music as a means to enlightenment.
A5. Ture
Q6. Where could one learn Western music around the first two decades of the 20th century in Japan?
A6. Primary Schools
Q7. What brought much of the Chinese culture to Japan?
A7. Buddhism
Q8. The largest ensemble in all of Japanese traditional music is:
A8. Gagaku
Q9. Enka songs:
A9. are generally slow to medium speed
, can be traced largely to 1930s theme songs
, comprised the earliest repertory of karaoke, and express despairing sadness and self-sacrificing sentiment
Q10. Karaoke was born in Japan in the:
A10. 1970s
Hope this helps~ Good luck!