Discrimination against people of color has been prominent for centuries in several countries. Today, there are widespread protests and riots for basic human rights, the death of George Floyd in 2020 sparked a revolution. Black children have a different type of "talk" with their parents then white children, its sad that at such a young age it is necessary for them to know that they might not be treated fairly simply because of the color of their skin. However, situations have admittedly improved, the widespread media coverage has allowed for a push in legislation supporting Black people. Therefore, the discrimation against Black people still persists today it is unfortunate that we as human beings can not look past the color of our skin.
Enclosure is also considered one of the causes of the Agricultural Revolution. Enclosed land was under control of the farmer, who was free to adopt better farming practices. Following enclosure, crop yields and livestock output increased while at the same time productivity increased enough to create a surplus of labor.
Answer: lines 2,3,4
he was a soldier who fought with American colonists
he was promoted to the position of lieutenant colonel
he served as the temporary governor of Louisiana
Chairman Mao has at least five major contributions to the Chinese nation, to the New China, and to the Chinese Communist Party. First, he led the Chinese people through a long-term revolutionary struggle and finally achieved national independence and the liberation of the people and created a new China.
Chairman Mao has at least five major contributions to the Chinese nation, to the New China, and to the Chinese Communist Party. First, he led the Chinese people through a long-term revolutionary struggle and finally achieved national independence and the liberation of the people and created a new China.
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