ok there is the yemen civil war,syiran civil war ,iraqi insurgencys,kurdi insurgeny fight iran and many more. why should you be concerned? the u.s.a could get involved and casue more damage, also russia is supporting the syiran government if the us gets involved it could cause a bigger conflict hope this helps
<span>When new clay sediment is deposited on top of old beach material, it's known as.C. transgression.This is because the clay would have to come from sea inundating the beach ie rising and depositing the clay on the old beach. The sea rising could be from say tectonic movement or from glaciers melting but before glacial rebound.</span>
Question A
Correct option is (iii) sought after, as it is indicated in the passage that "I was overwhelmed with gratuitous advice". Gratuitous means not required, or not necessary. Hence the author was not asking for advice, it was not sought after
Question B
Correct option is (iv) when he was on the steamer. It is indicated at the end of the passage that "The fellow passengers in the steamer began to advise us". After reading the statement, "I should want them after leaving Aden", you might feel that the correct option could be (ii) when he was in Aden, but the passage doesn't give enough information to confirm that the advice was give at the point when he was in Aden
Question C
The correct option is (iii) meat-eating would keep him healthy. It is indicated in the passage that "The majority of them said I couldn't do without meat in the cold climate. I would catch consumption.". Hence, the meat was supposed to keep him healthy and not catch consumption.
Question D
The correct option is (iv) he had promised his mother he would not do so. It is indicated in the passage that "My mother, before consenting to my departure, had exacted a promise from me not to take meat. So, I was bound not to take it, if only for the sake of the promise.".
In Brazil they mostly speak Portuguese
nombre: liz
¿Cómo son los del Tercer Estado?
quiere apoyado por el
Fue uno de los tres estados de la sociedad estamental propia del feudalismo y del Antiguo Régimen. Estaba compuesta por la población no privilegiada, totalmente opuesta al clero ya la nobleza que gozaba de privilegios como no pagar impuestos y tener muchos más derechos.