A creep is a slow downward progression of rock and soil on a slope of terrain.
A rockfall is a mass of loose rocks that fall down a slope.
A landslide is a mass of earth and/or rocks that have collapsed from a mountain or cliff.
A mudflow is an avalanche of big amounts mud.
This is false!
An important part of the Greek civilization was the island of Crete, which is not contiguous with the rest of the Peloponnese. Additionally there were other important sites of the Greek culture on other Islands in the Aegean Sea and in Turkey - we still find their ruins and remains today.
to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking seawater, you have to urinate more water than you drank.
Jet stream
Jet stream is fast moving air or wind that blows horizontally through the upper layers of the troposphere, generally from west to east. It develops where air masses of different temperatures meet. The greater the difference in temperature, the faster the wind speed.
Jet stream has the following characteristics;
- The winds blow from west to east
- The flow often shifts to the north and south.
- They follow the boundaries between hot and cold air.