A turning point usually introduces new people, ideas, and technology which results in different forms of government change in idea and even rebellions. So it can be thought of as a revolution because new things are showing up and change is happening.
The losses in the Middle East were staggering: the war not only ravaged the land and decimated armies, it destroyed whole societies and economies. In this way, the experience of World War I in the Middle East is perhaps more akin to the experience of World War II in Europe.
The Allied strategy for winning World War II was they planned to retake North Africa to invade through Italy, invade France from Britain and Germany from the Soviet Union, and then combine forces to defeat Japan.
My assumption is that the answer is 'Limits were needed on goods that were in short supply.'
this is because the War disrupted trade, limiting the availability of some goods.
New industried created mass production techniques which created cheaper, mass-produced products and increased employment stimulated further the demand for goods, and thus created the consumer boom which led to economic prosperity.