PROTEIN → Methionine-Valine-Proline-Stop codon-Stop codon (AUG GUA CCU UAA UGA)
In nucleic acids (i.e., DNA and RNA), base complementarity refers to the interaction between antiparallel strands. In the double helix DNA molecule, adenine always interacts with thymine (uracil in RNA), while cytosine always interacts with guanine. Moreover, amino acids are encoded by codons, i.e., triplets of nucleotides in the messenger RNA (mRNA). Finally, stop codons are triplets of mRNA nucleotides (e.g., UAG, UAA, UGA) that indicates the end of the protein-coding sequence.
Some mechanisms are essential for maintaining homeostasis in the human body. One of the most used mechanisms by our body is the negative feedback system. It causes a negative change from the initial change. As mentioned in the question, this often happens in the hypolamo-pituitary axis, such as when the adrenal cortex produces cortisol, this same cortisol inhibits the adenohypophysis and hypothalamus. It's also important to mention that deregulation in this process can lead to an undue chronic increase in cortisol and can lead to diseases such as anxiety disorder.
"GATGACATGGCGTCAGTCGATGCG" is the complete DNA sequence having 24 bases.
The shotgun sequencing is the process that is being used haphazard DNA strands arrangement. The nomenclature is given by the correspondence as it is growing rapidly. The pattern of firing is quasi accidental. In the preparation of DNA strands like 100 to 1000 base pairs, the chain alteration process is used. It can haphazardly break any DNA arrangement into many small pieces,and then can make copies that are completely identical to it.