The Caenorhabditis elegans dauer state is a hibernation-like state of diapause that displays a dramatic reduction in spontaneous locomotion.
Mutations affecting the neurotransmitter dopamine, which regulates voluntary movement in many organisms, can stimulate movement in dauers. The movement of quiescent animals is stimulated by conditions that reduce dopamine signaling and also by conditions predicted to increase dopamine signaling.The stimulation of movement by increased dopamine is much more pronounced in quiescent daf-2(−) dauer and dauer-like adult animals.
In C. elegans hermaphrodites, dopamine is produced by eight neurons and signals via at least four dopamine receptors, DOP-1 through DOP-4. In addition, a presynaptic reuptake transporter, DAT-1, removes dopamine from the extracellular space to terminate signaling. In C. elegans, dopamine is best known for mediating the “basal slowing response” in which the animal's movement slows when it encounters food.. Dopamine is thought to be released in response to food and to act on motor neurons to modulate the animal's movement . Animals that cannot produce dopamine fail to slow in response to food and exogenous dopamine slows the movement of animals cultured without food.The response to dopamine in this situation is complex, as the absence of specific dopamine receptors can have either positive or negative effects on movement.
Brainstorming or CSET. C is your claim. S is your statement. E is your evidence. T is your tie-in.
Statement C is the only one that is necessarily true for exons 2 and 3. It is also true for exons 7 and 8. While statements A and B could be true, they don’thave to be. Because the protein sequence is the same in segments of the mRNA that correspond to exons 1 and 10, neither choice of alternative exons (2 versus 3, or 7 versus 8) can alter the reading frame. To maintain the normal reading frame—whatever that is—the alternative exons must have a number of nucleotides that when divided by 3 (the number of nucleotides in a codon) give the same remainder. Since the sequence of the a-tropomyosin gene is known, it is possible to check to see the actual state of affairs. Exons 2 and 3 both contain the same number of nucleotides, 126, which is divisible by 3 with no remainder.
The answer is A
The road fragmented the habitat and now the turtles are not able to breed
Plants and Animals breathe in carbon and convert the carbon molecules into oxygen!