A specialized cell has a unique and important structure to perform a special job e.g. root hair cell has a long protrusion for more absorption of water and minerals (like magnesium and nitrate ions).
in air its faster with 16,700 steel second fastest 16,410 water third fastest with 4,629 and lastly air 1,127
what i just said
I believe it would be a because your body is stimulated to drink water when you are dehydrated
None. Chickens have feathers not fur.
Now to color. The male usually determines color so without that information it is hard to answer with any authority.
In most crosses if the male is black and the hen is white you
will get some black chicks and all will have white/black
If the male is white and the hen is black you will get some all
white with others showing black and white.
If the breed is Leghorn, even if the rooster is black you will
get mostly white chicks with some throwbacks in red and buff.
Yes, There is no spherical symmetry in biology. But is in Spherical