Participial phrase
because in order to be a prepositional phrase it has to use things indicating the location of something.
A: full of significance and purpose
Never tiredSolution Key:The suffix "less" means without, so a tireless person works without becoming tired.
Because it merges the fairy tale stories of the past with the cynicism, and wit of the current generation
The book 'The Princess Bride' is one of the best fairy tales and an example of the form being relevant even in a time when it is not.
The author has deftly used the trope of the form to his advantage and written a classic fairy tale with a setup of folk and traditional tales.
At the same time, the book is original enough and relevant enough for the current generation and holds up with updated humor and wit of this generation.
well it's asking you to pick 2 poems to compare, once you've done that answer the questions or gives you and form your answers into paragraph for the essay.