public static void quad(double a, double b, double c) {
double D = (Math.pow(b, 2)) - (4 * a * c);
if (D<0){
System.out.println("no real solutions");
The code snippet above implements the function in Java programming language
As required by the question, the line double D = (Math.pow(b, 2)) - (4 * a * c); evaluates b squared" - 4ac and assignes the value to the variable D
An if statement is used to test if D is less than 0, if this is true the message no real solutions is printed
the activity or cycle of collaborating with others to trade data and create proficient or social contacts.
for (i=lo ; i<=hi; i++){
result += i;
The question says result was declared but not initialized, so using result without initializing it to 0 would throw an error as result would be undefined and you can't add a number to undefined
Another way to do it to keep everything inside the loop would be
for (i=lo ; i<=hi; i++){
if (i==lo) result= 0;
result += i;
but this is impractical since it would add unnecesary operations in each cycle of the loop