Age = 23.
To convert a base 10 number to hexadecimal number we have to repeatedly divide the decimal number by 16 until it becomes zero and store the remainder in the reverse direction of obtaining them.
23/16=1 remainder = 5
1/16=0 remainder = 1
Now writing the remainders in reverse direction that is 15.
My age in hexadecimal number is (15)₁₆.
If this is in reference to diamond mining then above ground would be panning while below ground would be the actual mining into the soil.
Currently, there are four primary types of access control models: mandatory access control (MAC), role-based access control (RBAC), discretionary access control (DAC), and rule-based access control (RBAC). Each model
<em>Software piracy</em>
The unauthorized use, copying or distribution of copyrighted software.