In its current form, Moore's Law states that the amount of transistors per semiconductor should double every two years without added cost, allowing the computer industry to offer more processing power in lighter and smaller computing devices for the same amount of money every two years.
Simple and direct, kind of like it sounds. Short and to the point.
Hope this helped!
The speech is about the lessons he learned from his father, a third-grade dropout, who was also the most intelligent man that he had ever known. He empowered and challenged his audience by asking them to ask themselves, “how am I living?
He had a very effective and empowering speech. One that relied heavily on his pathos and ethos, as he spoke of his own father’s wisdom and how it encouraged him in life. But also, on logos, with the many quotes he pulled out of his head.
The correct answer is 16 using the converse of the Pythagorean theorem
The correct answer is research