I have not read the passage myself, but here are some helpful tips that can help you to figure it out. An ellipses is a series of three periods (...). Imagery is description that involves the senses, typically sight. Whatever the story makes you visualize is its imagery. Metaphors are figures of speech that contain comparisons, but do not use "like" or "as." Examples of metaphors include "the blanket of snow" or "the curtain of night." A setting is when or where the story takes place. Hope this helps.
Complexity of the stitches.
A thesis statement is found in the first paragraph. It generally has a list of three things, though it can be more, that are the main topics you'll be discussing in your essay.
For example, "Tigers are the best of the big cats because of their loud voices, bright coloring, and social structure."
Some words are: profanity, slang, trite, and vulgarity