Number one is A
number two is A
Light travels 186282 miles a second
Answer:retroactive interference
Retroactive interference (retro=backward) , when we learn something new it tends to interfere with what we have learnt initially, this means the new learnt task interferes with the task we have learnt earlier such that we forget the earlier task.
This is more common if our memories have similarities such as learning a new langauge may tend to interfere with the old language that you have learnt.l before.
Having learnt Italy now interferes with the ability to learn Spanish.
The ability to detect an object amongst distractor objects in situations in which the number of distractors presented is unimportant is called the <em>pop-out</em> ability. This ability occurs when an object is clearly identified among distractors. An object pops-out noticeably from the other objects. This is also called the pop-out phenomenon.
The Haitian Revolution,<span> was a successful </span>anti-slavery<span> and anti-</span>colonial<span> insurrection that took place in the former </span>French colony<span> of </span>Saint Domingue<span> that lasted from 1791 until 1804. It impacted the institution of </span>slavery <span>throughout the Americas. </span>Self-liberated slaves<span> destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of </span>Haiti. <span>It led to the greatest slave uprising since </span>Spartacus<span>, who led </span>an unsuccessful revolt <span>against the </span>Roman Republic<span> nearly 1,900 years prior.</span>