I believe the answer is: Since the Leader consolidated all the power for his own use, the country is now essentially an AUTOCRACY
Autocracy refers to a system of government that granted one person to rule with absolute power.
In this type of government, there is no such thing as congress or supreme court that could challenge the decision made by the leader. This makes every words that come out from that leader's mouth are a divine laws that must be followed without questions.
Jazz musicians used improvisation; classical musicians did not improvise
One of the significant differences between Jazz and Classical music is that "Jazz musicians used improvisation; classical musicians did not improvise."
Also, Jazz is known for being a performance-driven style of music, while classical music is based on the composer's context.
Another difference is that Jazz is more styled in the modern African-American style of music, which favored rhythms and blues. However, Classical music, on the other hand, is relatively older and more styled in the Western European style of music.
B. No women were allowed to speak at the 1963 March on Washington.
<u>Pauli Murray was civil rights and women’s rights activist that was fighting for the rights of African-American women. </u>
<u>In the wake of the historical March on Washington in 1963. she was angry at the organizers (Martin Luther King, Jr., A. Philip Randolph, and Bayard Rustin) that no women were included in the speeches given during the protest. </u>Suggestions about women speakers were made beforehand, but they refused to give excuses that the list of speakers was already filled.
Murrey saw this as the direct exclusion of the women from the fight and the movement. This is why she coined the term “Jane Crow” (mirroring the name of Jim Craw laws) – to underline the way gender discrimination was present in the civil rights movement as well, and how the racial and gender rights were connected.